What are CSV reports?

3 min read

A CSV file imported into Excel

CSV reports (CSV stands for “comma separated value”) provide detailed royalty revenue information of releases and tracks. Each row of data represents the number of units (usually plays or downloads) broken down by DSP, configuration, country and date.

By the 10th of each month, we consolidate the data from DSPs into one big report and make that available as a downloadable CSV file. CSV files are standard text files that applications like Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers or Tableau can read to analyze and visualize data.

How do I get the CSV file?

  1. Log into your Labelcaster account and goto your Dashboard.
  1. Click the Detailed Report button. [On mobile you’ll first tap the Revenue Report button and then get to the Detailed Report button]
  1. Choose the beginning and end month then click Generate Report. It may take a few minutes as the data files can be quite large

What’s in the file exactly?

Here are the columns (fields) and descriptions that are contained in the CSV report file.

Column (field nameDescription
labelRecord label name
report_dateDate of report when money is allocated to accounts (generally reporting is two months after streaming or downloads)
sales_start_dateBeginning period of transaction (when a stream, download, performance) occurred
sales_end_dateEnd period of transaction (when a stream, download etc. occurred)
UPC13 or 14 digit numeric pricing code for a release or grouped unit (e.g. an album, EP, compilation), Each UPC can have one or multiple tracks (ISRC)
release_titleText name title for grouped unit with a single UPC (e.g. an album, EP, compilation)
release_artistArtist name associated with a release/UPC
ISRCCode for an individual track, can be associated with multiple UPCs if in different groups (e.g. a compilation album)
track_titleText name title for an individual track (ISRC), can be associated with multiple UPCs if in different groups
track_artistArtist for an individual track/ISRC
channelStreaming service or sales platform, e.g. Spotify, Facebook, YouTube Art Track, that generated the revenue
configurationSpecific format of the sale, e.g. Premium Stream, Art Track (not always available)
typeTrack or album
country_codeAlpha-2 letter ISO country code of sale, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes Note: WW means worldwide, not all DSPs provide country information
unitsNumber of sales (e.g. streams, downloads, etc.)
net_royalty_revenueSales generated (in EUR), i.e. gross revenue, less any marketplace costs, transaction charges and exchange fees, but before any Labelcaster commissions and fees are deducted
labelcaster_commissionLabelcaster commission (in EUR)
total_royalty_revenueNet revenue (in EUR) minus Labelcaster commission and fees. This is the total amount earned before any splits. In other words, this is the amount from each track that split amounts are calculated from.
your_splitNet royalty payment/split amount, i.e. share, (in EUR) earned to the recipient before any recoupment
revenue_entry_ida unique id code for each transaction

A bit on dates: we receive reports from DSPs at the beginning of each month for transactions (plays and downloads) that occured three full months prior. Some DSPs can be even slower. The Report Date is when money is allocated to accounts, not the stream or play date. For example, if you want to see how your music performed in August, you want to choose the report date from November then filter the sales_start_date for August. We suggest downloading all the available dates and filtering in your analytics software.

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