Labelcaster Home Page
Labelcaster Home Page
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Frequently Asked Questions — and Answers!
14 articles
What is Labelcaster?
Can anyone get an account?
How much does it cost to start my label?
What does Labelcaster cost? What is your pricing?
When will a release go live?
How much does distribution cost?
What music streaming services (DSPs) does Labelcaster deliver to?
I already have a label; can I use Labelcaster?
Can I cancel my account and leave Labelcaster after I have distributed music?
Does Labelcaster distribute music?
How do I get paid? How do I pay participants like artists and collaborators?
Why do I need to apply to get an account? Can I just sign up and get going?
Can I view my streams, royalties and revenues in labelcaster online?
When do I get paid? When can I see reports?