Youtube Content ID requirements
YouTube Content ID is an automated content identification system that enables content owners to identify and manage their copyright-protected content on YouTube. Content ID is a matching system that automatically identifies content that may be infringing. When videos are uploaded to YouTube, they’re scanned against a database of files submitted by copyright owners. For example, if you have track with a Content ID, YouTube can find instances of it being used and share the revenue with you generated by that video.
We at Labelcaster can deliver your content to YouTube Content ID. However, because of the way YouTube’s content matching works, there are stringent criteria for qualifying for Content ID. The work must be original, unique with all content used within it licensed exclusively to you. Because of those requirements, we do not submit tracks for Content ID by default.
- Your track is AI-generated
- Your track is a cover version, mashup, compilation, remix or karaoke version of another song—or even sounds like another recording
- You have used non-exclusive beats, purchased or otherwise.
- Your track contains samples, beats, loops, sound effects, or other audio from sample libraries or public sources
- The audio contains public-domain content
- The audio contains ambient sound effects
- Your track is a recording of a live performance (concerts, speeches, shows, etc.)
- Your track is already registered for Content ID with another provider
- We have any copyright infringement claims on your label or its releases
If your content does not fall into any of the categories above, it will likely qualify for Content ID delivery. We review all Content ID applications individually and evaluate each case on its own merits.
If approved, there is no additional cost for delivery to Content ID. Royalties earned thorough YouTube Content ID are subject to the same 10% commission fee we charge for our service.
If you want to read more on YouTube Content ID from YouTube check out these pages:
If you believe your content qualifies, and would like us to deliver to Content ID, contact [email protected]. We will then review your catalog and take the necessary steps on your behalf.