Creating and distributing a release on Labelcaster
Only record labels can submit a release for distribution. Before proceeding, ensure you're logged in as a record label (identified by a dark green profile, whereas artist profiles are light green).

Creating a new release
- Go to your Distribution Center, and tap ADD RELEASE (the big plus sign) near the top of the page.
- At the top of the release card, you will find the release-level metadata (the blue area). This is where you can edit metadata such as the Release Title, Artist(s), UPC code, Copyright information, and Release Date.
- Begin with this release-level metadata. For detailed guidance on specific metadata fields, refer to the articles below.

- After completing the release-level metadata, you can begin adding your first track by clicking the big plus sign in the release page. If you have your own UPC, you can add it, otherwise, leave it l blank, and we’ll generate one for you.
- Check this article to see what file formats are accepted: What files and assets do I need to set up a release?
- Once you've uploaded the audio and filled in the track metadata, save it and continue to the next track. Any field with an asterisk (*) is required. If you have your owns ISRC you can enter here on each track. Otherwise leave it blank, and we’ll generate one for you.
- If the next track shares similar metadata with the previous one, use the “Add Duplicate” button on the right-hand side of the track. This creates a new track with pre-filled metadata copied from the source track, saving you time.
- You can reorder the tracks by dragging track up an down using the three bars on the left as a handle.
- When you've added all necessary tracks, proceed to the CONTRACTS section.
Contracts, royalty splits and licenses
All releases need a signed contract to be distributed. When selecting a contract type, you have two options:
- Our own License Agreement template — this covers the license to distribute and monetize the release, and sets the splits between you and any invited collaborator or artist
- Royalty Split Agreement — this is a more basic agreement that just covers the royalty splits and assumes you have any necessary agreements in place outside of our platform
Rights Period
Regardless of type, you need to set the rights period before proceeding. The rights period determines how long this agreement is valid. The contract is renewed on a monthly basis after the end of the rights period.
Splits can be set between an unlimited number of parties and can even be divided among different labels. The parties on the contract don't necessarily need to appear in the metadata for the release.
You can set up splits so that managers or other external stakeholders receive their share—all they need is a Labelcaster Artist account. You can invite them during this process.
Do you have different artists across your tracks? For example, a featured artist on one track and two others on a third track? Our contract system allows you to set up different royalty splits for each track.
After establishing the initial splits, you can specify whether these splits apply to all tracks or just selected ones. Remember that all tracks require a signed contract before distribution can proceed.
When splits are set, you can now sign the contract as the label representative. After you have pressed SIGN - SEND, the contract goes to all participants for e-signing.
You can check who has signed, and who you are still waiting for at any point, by going to your release in the Distribution Center and clicking the CONTRACT button.
When all parties have signed, you have a final chance to overview the release before hitting the DISTRIBUTE button.
Labelcaster release statuses

During uploading, editing, signing, and finally distributing, a release will have several different statuses. Here’s a list on what they mean:
- ⬜️ DRAFT - Release is fully editable and no contracts have been set.
- 🟨 SIGNING - Release is no longer editable. You are waiting for someone to sign the contract. If you catch an error or need to redo the contract, you can go to CONTRACTS and cancel it. This returns the release to DRAFT status.
- 🟨 READY - All participants have signed the release, and you can have a final review before hitting DISTRIBUTE. (Note you’ll need to come back and hit Distribute once all the parties have signed as one final approval/check)
- 🟩 PROCESSING - The release is now in our hands, and we will run it through Quality Control before delivering to your chosen targets. When the release passes Quality Control, you'll receive a Smartlink attached to the release, along with a confirmation message that it's on its way.
- 🟩 RELEASED - The release is now live on your chosen targets! The Smartlink has converted to a regular listening link that directs fans to your release on the major DSPs.