How to find your Spotify artist ID

1 min read

Finding your Spotify URI

Spotify URI's look like this: spotify:artist:1cwxngftrc7jePSrlcewCm

Notice that it is not a URL or a link to the artist. Spotify makes it a little tricky to get to the URI, but it isn’ hard.

  1. Go to Spotify and search for your Artist Page. Whilst viewing your artist page, click the button beside the ‘Play , Shuffle and ‘Follow’ buttons, which looks like 3 dots. Click ‘Share’,
    Note doing the above reads ‘Copy link to artist’ – this will give you the full URL, which we don’t need. Read on to get the right code.

  1. Hold down the ctrl or alt (option on Mac) keys while you’re viewing the above menu, the text should change from ‘Copy link to artist’ to ‘Copy Artist URI’—click that, and it’ll copy the URI to your clipboard!

Once you find it, you’ll want to make sure it is added to the artist profile in Labelcaster.

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