How do I add an artist?

2 min read

Why do I need to add artists?

Artist profiles are a central part Labelcaster. They are are needed for completing release delivery, ensuring royalty splits are properly distributed. Anyone listed as main or featured artist or receiving royalties through our system will need to have a Labelcaster account.

We use the term artist to mean any collaborator or participant in a contract or receiving royalty splits. If you want to have someone receive splits, add them as an artist to Labelcaster.

Artist own account or label managed?

We have two ways you can add artists to Labelcaster—artist own accounts and a label managed artist account. Both have their advantages and potential downsides.

Artist own account

This is the preferred method for working with external artists, as all all entities have full transparency and Labelcaster automations make it self-serve for artists.

  • Each artist has their own login and manages the account and profile themselves
  • Artist get their own individual dashboards, reports and royalty transfer methods
  • Royalty splits are directly transferred to the artist. They make their own transfer requests—no label intervention necessary.

Label managed artist profile

This is a good choice if the Label is also an artist, as it separates the business. Labels can use this to enter artists that may not want to get accounts, however the artist will not access to rports and transfer payment methods.

  • The record label adds and maintains each artist profile as an entity within the label account. There is no direct artist login or access to their profile.
  • While splits in contracts will get allocated to the individual profile, there is only one transfer method. Generally, it makes sense for splits allocated to label managed profiles to be set to 0%.
  • Royalties and reporting will need to be forwarded to the artist outside of our platform.

Adding an artist’s own account

  1. Invite an artist to create their own individual account by going to your account settings and choosing INVITE from the dropdown.
    Inviting a new artist to get a Labelcaster account
  1. Fill in the artist info including e-mail.
  1. An email is sent to the artist with account login details.
You can also invite artists, in all fields where you add artists in setting up a release (release artist, track artist, contract split artist).

Adding a label managed artist profile

  1. Create an artist profile within a label account by going to your account settings and choosing NEW PROFILE.
  1. Enter the artist name
  1. A profile is created and is accessible in the ARTIST section of the master account settings.
    Creating a new artist profile.
  1. You, as a label owner, will manage the profile and handle reporting and royalty transfers
Unlike an artist own profile, a label managed artist profile will need to be added before you start creating a new release.

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